Wednesday, 27 January 2016

How to Use WinRAR on pc complete instruction n guide

Level of difficulty: Easy

WinRAR is a compression tool. One of the application’s uses is to compress one or several files together. This is for reducing the size of the files for storage or transfer. WinRAR can compress the files in either ZIP or RAR file format. The program can also compress files into CAB, ARJ, LZH, AZE and ISO file formats. The WinRAR program may also unpack or extract files with a ZIP or RAR file format from the Internet.

Materials Needed:
- PC
- winrar archiver program
- file to compress
- compressed files
Step 1
Ensure that the computer you are going to use for compressing files has WinRAR program installed before proceeding with the compression of file.
Step 2
Select all the files to you want to compress by using the mouse and the CTRL button or the SHIFT button. The CTRL button is for selecting several files in the same folder or location. The SHIFT button is for selecting blocks of files.
Step 3
Right click on the selected files to display a drop down menu. Select the 'Add to Archive' option from the drop down list. This will display a WinRAR window menu.
Step 4
Input a name for the compressed files in the Archive name section in the General tab. Ensure that the name is not similar to any other compressed files in the save location.
Step 5
Select the file format of the compressed file after the deciding on the name. File formats can either be RAR or ZIP. There are also other options such as deleting of the original file after the compression, putting authenticity verifications, and putting a recovery record.
Step 6
Click the 'OK' button after completing all the required fields in the menu. The WinRAR application will compress the files and save in the same folder or location as the original files.
Step 7
The WinRAR program can also extract compressed files with a RAR or ZIP format. Select the files that require extraction using the pointer.
Step 8
Right click on the selected file to display a drop down menu. Select the 'Extract files' option from the menu. This will display a window from the WinRAR program.
Step 9
Specify where the extracted files will be located in the 'Destination path' option of the General tab. Do not replace the destination path if the extracted files will also be placed in the same location as the compressed file.
Step 10
Click the 'OK' button after filling the required fields in the window. This will start the extraction process of the RAR or ZIP file.
 How to use WinRAR for extracting/UnRAR
  WinRAR is a great tool for extracting files from their compressed formats. One thing that makes WinRAR so popular is the ease of use. There are several ways to open an archive for unzipping one method is just by clicking on the file to open WinRAR and by Drag-and-dropping the file to your destination folder.
First, select a RAR file that is part of the archive then open the file.
WinRAR - select rar file
A – Select any RAR part of the archive
After you open the file, it will bring up a window showing you the details of the complete file. You can then highlight the file then drag and drop the file into the desired location.
WinRAR - open archive
A – Drag the file to from the Win Rar window into the desired location.
After you drag and drop the file into the desired folder, WinRAR will bring up a window showing the UnRAR process.
Unrar process
When the UnRAR/UnZIP process is complete, it will leave the finished file in the destination folder. Now your file is ready to be used.
WinRAR - finished file
A – Since Win Rar process is complete, now you are open to able the file.

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